Friday, July 29, 2005

Last Friday of July

The summer is going by in a blur. Summer's are supposed to be slower! Didn't they used to be longer?

Today is the final planning day for my oldest son's birthday party. I know what kind of cake he would like now, so that can be made. The food is planned. He would like to have steaks with herb butters on the side, big potatoes, and some grilled vegetables. I still need to check the bar to be sure that is stocked and get the white wines and champagne chilled. Fizzy gingerale will be necessary for our granddaughter. She's going to be upset that the Black Swallowtail caterpillars have discovered her carrots that are growing so nicely tucked into the herb garden. First they ate all of the dill- now this. I need to go out and take them off (along with the tuft they are hugging to) the carrots and put them into a butterfly house for her to take home with her. They can eat organic carrot tops and parsley from the shop near here. I grow carrots, dill and parsley, but caterpillars eat at an alarming rate.

I don't see any new waterlilies that will appear on cue Sunday. But sometime they surprise me and pop up from beneath the leaves at the last minute. This picture is of a lily several weeks ago.
I harvested a basket full of bell peppers yesterday. Some were turning red already. The tomatoes have slowed in the heat. The sweet basil is gigantic. A fresh tomato, mozzarella, basil salad will be good for Sunday's party. I will say that the scent of all of the herbs in the garden is strengthened by the summer heat. The thymes are putting out runners and getting much bigger. We've been watching over the lavender, expecting that the humidity would take it's toll on it but so far, it's okay. Another star of the garden is the lemon grass. I need to get some of that harvested.

Still no word on when the surgeon can meet with my mother and me.

Activities for the day include some work in the gardens, gathering the "wild caterpillars", clearing out some more refrigerator space for the weekend, finding the trays, back to school shopping with my youngest (17!), buying the salmon for tonight's dinner and arranging for the steaks for Sunday, checking the wine and liquor for Sunday, florals for Sunday, and to get some much needed stitch time in. Possibly read a Monica Ferris book. Wrap presents.


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