Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Birthday party and other things

Well, the birthday party went well and everyone had a good time. My daughter called yesterday to say what a good time she and her husband had. She also called today to tell me that she has a stress fracture in her foot from stepping off a curb wrong. That hurts.

The birthday boy seemed to like his presents-special sunglasses, cash, and fishing things. He loves both saltwater and freshwater fishing. Last year he began flyfishing and practices that diligently.

The back to school shopping was successfully completed for our youngest son, and he's happy. He will hate to give up his summer. Me too.

This cross stitch pictured is a section I have pulled from the Tsunami Sampler that I found. Stickideen von der Wiehenburg did a wonderful design that benefits the Tsunami relief that UNICEF is doing. The design is much larger than just this one section, and is very colorful. Now I am wondering if someone will be doing a Niger children's food relief sampler.

My stitch group will meet here at a dinner a week from tonight. I haven't decided on a theme yet- I need to work on that today. Once the weather cools in the Fall, we will be doing a garden dinner outside. But the mosquitoes are too terrible in August. One of our dear stitch friends is having a birthday mid month and we will be celebrating that at a restaurant.

On the 22nd, we have that appointment with Mom's surgeon. He will be reviewing the liver tumor and the gall stone situation and deciding the best path to follow with all of this. Then I will know better which path our family will be taking.


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