Thursday, August 04, 2005

Fruits of my Labor

These are some fruits that I have been making into preserves. I think cherries are so beautiful, especially the Rainier Cherries. The peaches are wonderful this summer.

It's back to school today for my 17 year old son. The baby of the family. I know he must have been a little excited to go back because I found him in the kitchen about 2:30 this morning. I'm sure he will miss sleeping in, but he will be happy to see all of his friends again. Traditionally I bake a cake on the day the kids go back to school, so I will do that today.

I need to re-sand a part of the family room floor today too. I didn't like the way it came out when I refinished that portion. The area that had to have new stain put on it was "off" just enough to drive me nuts. So I will re-sand and re-stain today. I need to mix a different stain color.

I finished a little Lizzie Kate scissor keeper the night before last. A tiny project- but I wanted to keep my scissors in a padded case when I took them to my stitching group. I'd really like to get my Mirabilia Petal Fairy finished- she's so pretty. And the Chatelaine Mermaid so I will be ready to participate in Judy Odell's finishing group for it. It's going to be such a beautiful box. But I'd also like to start a reproduction sampler...More than any of that, all of my cross stitch stuff needs to be neatened up. Maybe some of it can be sold or traded so that it won't take up quite so much space in that extra bedroom in case Mom needs to come stay here for a time. I have a great wall mural for that room that hasn't been put up yet. It's a beach theme room. The mural is of two beach chairs and an umbrella. They look as if you could walk up to them and sit down, have a drink and watch the ocean.

I know she is getting a bit nervous about her upcoming discussion with the surgeon. She told me she wasn't especially looking forward to having surgery. And she's scared that's she's really sick.
I keep telling her that we won't know until we talk to him and that worrying about it now doesn't get us anywhere (I wouldn't be able to take my own advice). I have told her to be sure that she eats so that she will be as healthy as possible when she goes for surgery. But I don't think she is eating well. I package meals and freeze them for her so that all she has to do is heat them in her microwave. She isn't using them very quickly.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Birthday party and other things

Well, the birthday party went well and everyone had a good time. My daughter called yesterday to say what a good time she and her husband had. She also called today to tell me that she has a stress fracture in her foot from stepping off a curb wrong. That hurts.

The birthday boy seemed to like his presents-special sunglasses, cash, and fishing things. He loves both saltwater and freshwater fishing. Last year he began flyfishing and practices that diligently.

The back to school shopping was successfully completed for our youngest son, and he's happy. He will hate to give up his summer. Me too.

This cross stitch pictured is a section I have pulled from the Tsunami Sampler that I found. Stickideen von der Wiehenburg did a wonderful design that benefits the Tsunami relief that UNICEF is doing. The design is much larger than just this one section, and is very colorful. Now I am wondering if someone will be doing a Niger children's food relief sampler.

My stitch group will meet here at a dinner a week from tonight. I haven't decided on a theme yet- I need to work on that today. Once the weather cools in the Fall, we will be doing a garden dinner outside. But the mosquitoes are too terrible in August. One of our dear stitch friends is having a birthday mid month and we will be celebrating that at a restaurant.

On the 22nd, we have that appointment with Mom's surgeon. He will be reviewing the liver tumor and the gall stone situation and deciding the best path to follow with all of this. Then I will know better which path our family will be taking.